Streaking, color variations, light or dark spots.

Vinyl siding can be a little tricky. Your vinyl siding is exposed to the elements 24 hours a day, seven days a week. UV rays, water, algae and mold will degrade any material over time. Siding has a coating and that coating wears down the more it is exposed to the listed elements. The issue is that it doesn't always wear down evenly.

Have you ever been walking around your yard and suddenly feel the intense heat reflecting off a neighbors window? Your siding can experience that as well. As a result, the coating in that specific spot will wear down at an accelerated rate compared to the rest of the wall. If you want to test this, take a small shade producing object and place it about two feet in front of the side of your house that is exposed to the most sunlight. Make sure the shadow is cast on the siding. Check it in a year and you will see that the exact shape of that shadow is now permanently on your siding.

Run your fingers along your siding, if a chalky residue comes off, it is the top layer of coating that has broken down. Imagine a chalk board covered in white chalky dust. Now imagine taking a spray bottle, fill it with water and attempt to clean that chalk board. If you spray it with a stream, the pressure from the stream will produce uneven patterns on the board. If you spray it with a mist from a distance, it all comes off evenly. Pressure washing siding is subject to the same principles.

If you have streaks or discoloration feel free to contact us. We can offer solutions to correct the problem at low to no cost .


Floblu LLC