Will pressure washing raise my water bill?

The effects of pressure washing on my water bill.


Floblu LLC

10/6/20221 min read

This is a great question. How much water will it take to wash a house and how much will it raise my water bill? The answer might surprise you. The amount of water used will vary based on the size of the area being cleaned. For this example, we will use a 3500 square foot house located in Union County.

It would take anywhere between 400 to 1000 gallons to clean a house that size. I realize that is a large range but there are numerous variables that go into it. We will use the largest number and assume 1000 gallons are used. In Union County, water usage is billed utilizing a tier system. Your first 3000 gallons are charged at $4.27 per 1000 gallons. From 3000 to 7000 you are charged $5.86 per 1000 gallons, from 7000 to 10000 the rate is $8.37 per 1000 gallons. They also charge a base fee of $17.83 every month (this has nothing to do with how much water you use).

So to pressure wash a 3500 square foot house, using 1000 gallons of water to do it, the homeowner's water bill would increase anywhere from $4.27 to $8.37 that month.

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FloBlu LLC https://floblu.net
